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September 21st, 2020

Electroacupuncture Therapy


Electricity and acupuncture = Electroacupuncture! Not only does it feel great, but it is also an incredibly effective treatment for a variety of health issues. Electroacupuncture is a type of acupuncture technique to help stimulate a precise point. 

Little electrode clips are attached to specific acupuncture needles where a low-grade electrical impulse is sent through the needle. It generates a moderate, consistent stimulation on the acupuncture points and enhances the outcome of treatments. 

This technique treats a variety of conditions ranging from muscle pain and tension to neurological conditions and reproductive health.

ElectroAcupuncture for Reproductive Health Can Improve:

  • Pelvic blood flow
  • Egg quality
  • Endometrial receptivity
  • Uterine lining
  • Sperm parameters and motility
  • Oocyte development in women with PCOS
  • Menstrual pain relief
  • Induces ovulation
  • Increases testosterone levels
  • Supports thermoregulation of the scrotum/testes

ElectroAcupuncture for Injuries:

  • Helps with pain management
  • Assists in overall healing
  • Increases localized circulation to affected muscle or tendon
  • Promotes healthy muscle contraction in a weak muscle

Have a question about Acupuncture or Electroacupuncture? Book a FREE “Meet & Greet” consult with any of our Registered Acupuncturists or email

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