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December 27th, 2021

Pregnancy Services at Ohana Wellness Clinic


Whether you’re expecting your first or fifth child, we offer a variety of pregnancy services to help you through out your pregnancy journey.

Prenatal Chiropractic

Webster Technique is a specific Chiropractic pregnancy approach that is safe and gentle. Webster technique is used to facilitate pelvic balance and decrease stress and strain on the muscles and ligaments attached to the uterus. These treatments are beneficial in assisting in proper alignment, promoting optimal positioning of baby, preparing body for delivery, and relieving back, hip, and pelvic pain. Addressing the core, rib cage, and diaphragm will allow for greater mobility through out the digestive track and help relieve heartburn.

BirthFit a prenatal method consists of four main principles to help support you through your pregnancy: Fitness, Nutrition, Mindset, and Connection. The Fitness component uses functional progression exercises, motor patterns, and breathing to help women through their pregnancy journey, labour, and postpartum stage. Addressing core dysfunction that commonly occurs during pregnancy can present itself as diastasis recti, back pain, chest breathing, and poor posture. Changes in your core can be mild or severe and lead to pelvic floor dysfunction where pregnant women can experience incontinence, and pelvic, hip, and lower back pain. BirthFit is also beneficial in the postpartum period for recovery.

Prenatal Physiotherapy

Manual rehab is beneficial for many prenatal conditions. Addressing postural changes as they develop can reduce joint strain. Physiotherapy treatments offer relief for carpal tunnel syndrome, pubic symphysis dysfunction (PSD), tendinitis, and postural dysfunction. As well as, pregnancy induced vertigo, dizziness, and vestibular dysfunction. A physiotherapy assessment identifies muscular imbalances and areas of weakness, whereas treatments ensures adequate flexibility and strength around the affected joints.

Regular movement through out pregnancy will help decrease joint pain. Working with a trained professional can guide you on which types of movements are beneficial and prescribe exercises to help strengthen weak areas that are contributing to your joint pain. Each of our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists can assist with exercise rehabilitation.

Prenatal Registered Acupuncture

Choosing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture can help provide relief from a number of pregnancy related health conditions. The TCM framework assesses the body as a whole and looks at digestion, circulation, hormones, the nervous system, and more.

Common Pregnancy Complaints using Acupuncture

  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • anemia
  • morning sickness
  • fluid retention
  • headache
  • skin changes
  • congestion
  • heart burn and indigestion
  • constipation or diarrhoea
  • frequently feeling hot
  • body itchiness
  • anxiety

Labour Prep Acupuncture & Labour Induction Acupuncture

Starting around 36 weeks until the onset of labour regular acupuncture treatments help support a mother’s body in preparation for birth. This specific protocol promotes cervical ripening. Once past 40 weeks acupuncture helps stimulate uterine contractions and gently help your body transition into labour.

Prenatal Massage Therapy

Almost every pregnant woman will experience varying degrees of musculoskeletal discomfort. Most often occurring in the third trimester and can range from mild to dibilitating

in the Body aches and pains are very common through out pregnancy. Pain and joint laxity is due to the pregnancy hormones relaxin and progesterone. While joint pain can happen anywhere or start at any point during pregnancy, it’s more likely to occur during the second and third trimester.

Choosing an RMT specifically trained in pregnancy massage ensures a safe and effective treatment through out all stages of pregnancy. Massage is beneficial in relieving headaches, joint pain, leg cramps, swelling, fatigue, and carpal tunnel syndrome. As well as easing overall tension, calming anxiety, and promoting relaxation.


New parents face many demands during each stage of parenthood. Feelings of depleted energy, hopelessness, persistent sadness or anger, panic, anxiety, and exhaustion can be experienced. Counselling sessions are available for individuals or couples. Psychotherapy can help cope with challenges that can arise through out fertility, pregnancy, and parenthood.

Where to start!?

Speak to your medical doctor if you are experiencing a new or worsening symptom and before starting a new therapy or exercise.

You may notice many of our pregnancy services overlap. For example, RMT, DC, PT, and ACU all treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Its not uncommon to choose different approaches at different times through out pregnancy or when new symptoms develop. Speak to one of our admin staff to determine the best treatment option for you. Call (416) 820 8588 or email

Find the Right Therapist and Approach

Book a free 15-minute Meet and Greet with one of our professionals to find the right type of therapy and therapist for your needs.